Monday, December 28, 2009

The Most Anticipated Games Of 2010!


If you love games, you probably take a look at a lot of the gaming news sites available online. But do you know about some of the most anticipated games of 2010? Were on the brink of the new year, so this blog comes to you JUST in time! For all of you Star Wars freaks out there - Star Wars Jedi on Wii is said to be one of the most exciting Star Wars games yet - definitely topping out Republic Commando times five. Expect to see some of the same stuff and a few different additions including the chance to light saber the creator George Lucas!

Also, for all of you WoW lovers out in the world, there is a new expansion pack called Cataclysm which is pretty much just going to make you drool over your keyboard especially considering there is an addition of two new races; Goblins and Worgen! I never really liked the WoW games, I've tried them several times, but I just can't get into it. I would rather blow crap up, shoot people and drive cars which is why I can't wait for Lost Planet 2. This game is going to be placed on the same planet as its predecessor, but ten years later. Think Halo 2 on speed.

You can also customize your character which is a huge obsession of mine. If I can customize anything in a game - person, car, weapons, I love it even more! On the other hand, if you don't like FPS or TPS and you don't like cars or sci-fi stuff, you could consider a sweet little game called Super Mario Galaxy 2. Come on, we all know how fun Super Mario can be. This is such an old school game with a flair for excitement. It used to be a kick butt game back in the 80s when most of the kids my age got their brand new Nintendo.

But now this game can be played on the good old Wii. Some people love this console, some people hate it. Usually the ones that hate it, are the couch potatoes that hate any kind of "getting up" and would rather sit down and play their games. Frankly, I like the interactiveness of the Wii! To make your year even sweeter, check out our used video games and video game accessories for your new year!

Monday, December 21, 2009

One of the best used video games I ever had: Modern Warfare 2


Since the last November, you can’t get me off the Xbox. Wow! My butt, the couch and sequel to one of the best games for Xbox 360, Call of Duty 4 – became one. Of course that I’m talking about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Frankly, the only thing I didn’t like about this game was the price. But, I found it dirt cheap at where they keep all the best used video games and used video game accessories ever!

Anyway, Modern Warfare 2 is, again, set in the same time period five years after the first and stars Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson, a member of a multinational commando unit, Task Force 141 with the main character from the original game returning as your commanding officer. As the story picks up from the first game, you're seeing the second chapter in a story where the big bad army conquering all of Russia and threatening the world with nuclear weapons.

As the story progresses, you, your CO, and the rest of the unit travel throughout the world trying to bring the new Russian regime to its knees to free the world from their terror. The game also includes a multi-player mode that was a huge draw for the first game as well. The usual modes, like Death match and Capture the Flag, were there for everyone to enjoy online and off. The series is stronger than ever and the fan base seems pretty determined to make Modern Warfare 2 one of the best games Xbox 360 has ever seen!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Like Used Video Games? Wish You Could Find Tips And Tricks?


I'm not usually one to cheat in real life. I pay my taxes. I'm honest when asked a question - even if I'm at fault, and I believe honesty is the best policy. However, sometimes when playing a game you just get stuck on one level and it could seriously just ruin your entire time with the game. Back in the day when I had Sega, I bought this one game that I just could not figure out for the life of me. I actually gave up, and put the game away or about 2 years. Then, I found it when I moved a few years later and I was like "I hate this game".

Amazing what a game can do to your morale! Over the last few years, there have been a lot of sites online that will offer things like tips, tricks, cheats, and guides or maps. These are for use with any and all of your used video games and consoles. These sites also have reviews and suggestions as well on new games to buy, games that are coming soon, best gaming consoles, and reviews on "need to have" video game accessories!

While you don't HAVE to cheat and use tricks and such, the maps can come in handy if you are stuck on a level and can't figure out where to go - I don't really think this is cheating. Just think of it as a virtual compass to help you get to where you want to go!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Love Games? Hate The High Prices? Check Out Used Video Games!


I don't know one person that doesn't love games - even my mom has been known to get a glass of Shiraz and some cheese after a hard days work and playfully drive against me on Need For Speed! I swear, I'm not lying! She's an awesome mom. But I think most people can agree on one thing - games are expensive! I bought a PSP slim last Christmas thinking "Oh well this is a smaller handheld, the games shouldn't be too bad"... wrong! They cost just as much as a regular console!

Worse yet, I can't just stick to one game for months on end. I like variety! Give me some Tom Clancy, some NFS, some Simpson's and Tetris and that will make me a little more content. You could just as well rent games from these online video game rental places, but ugh, have you actually looked at their prices? Wow! Its like $30 to rent ONE game. That's the same price to actually buy a game. So what are we supposed to do? Just give up? Heck no! Instead, what you should give a chance are used video games.

Hey, don't give me that look. If you can talk bad about used games it's because you haven't tried them buddy! Some of the best priced and best quality games are available at You can find really old school games, or brand new ones, some used, some factory sealed, all super cheap! A brand new used game is a game that most likely was bought by someone or given to them as a gift and they opened it and didn't like it. And YOU can reap the benefits of this happening! At Thumbmonkey, you can even find new and used video game accessories as well!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Do You Need New Video Game Accessories?


Once in a blue moon you might have a video game accessory, gaming console or video game that breaks. It’s not often but it does happen. Most of you know that to replace a component is a pain because of the amount of money you have to spend on it. Kind of stupid considering what you probably paid for the entire system. You would think they would just replace the darn thing for free! For example, a brand new Xbox 360 controller could cost up to $40! Forty bucks?!

Well what if you could buy a controller for less? Chances are you would jump at it! What a lot of people end up doing is looking online at used video games, video game accessories, and used game console stores online. The cool thing about this and maybe the most important thing is that you can get a really nice quality item, and its going to cost MUCH cheaper than if you bought it brand new. These products are of high quality, most of them were simply returns that couldn't be re-sold in a big chain store because they are opened.

We know and we hate that rule! But now you can actually benefit from this rule! At you can find almost any used video game, video game accessories, and used game console you could possibly think of. It doesn't matter if it’s old or new, expensive or not, you can find them all! And when saving money, you could also buy another controller or a game as well!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Can I Really Find Cheap Quality Games Online?


I do believe that if you want to find anything that has the words “cheap” and “quality” - you truly can find it online! One of the things that most people look into when it comes to video game accessories, video games or consoles is to check a used gaming site. Now I know what your thinking you little gamer snob! "I couldn't possibly buy a used game!" Well what if I told you that these are top quality games? What if I told you I could buy two times as many items as these used gaming stores than you could at your big brand name store?

It's true! People all over the country use these used gaming sites because they know the incredible games and consoles they can buy! This is also the reason a lot of kids would actually shop at a used gaming store; great quality used video games, video game accessories and video game consoles, but cheap enough to where they can actually afford them!

Even with the way kids get paid nowadays for chores, it's still not usually enough to buy a brand new Xbox 360 console - but if you shopped at a store like Thumbmonkey, a store that offered used video games, video game accessories and video game consoles, you could very well get an Xbox 360 console with ALL the trimmings; games, controllers, you name it! Seriously, it's a really nice option to check out! At least see what they offer and how much you could end up saving!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wii And Xbox And PlayStation, Oh My!


Oh my is right! Did you know that you can actually buy used video games, video game accessories, and consoles online? It's true! The only thing you will have to accept is that these are "used". By used this could mean one of a dozen things. Most likely though, the game or accessory was used by someone else that simply didn't like it or didn't want it anymore. I think we all know about the annoying rule about how if you open a game, you can't get your money back - all the big chain stores do this.

It's really unfair, but at the same time these are some of the games you could be buying online! Check out - they have all levels of "used" each of which should be labeled accordingly, such as; fair, good, excellent, INCREDIBLE! Fair probably means it comes without a case or a wire of some sort or maybe a booklet. Good means that it probably has all the cases and booklets, but maybe the graphic part of the disk, or the accessory has a few bangs and scratches on it.

Excellent means its pretty much like a brand new game or accessory, it might have one defect, but that's about it. Used video games that are labeled as incredible, are perfect. No scratches. No dents. Comes with all the pamphlets, the manuals, the cases, and anything else it should include. These are the ones where the owner simply didn't like or didn't want the item! Bad for them, good for us! I've bought quite a few used video games and video game accessories before.

It's just fun because while you go to a big chain store with $50 you might only be able to get ONE game. Whereas if you go to a used video games and video game accessories website online, you can take that $50 and spend it on three or four games - sometimes more! I've spent $50 before during Christmas for my little cousins, and I've gotten up to 10 games for $50. That is impressive my friends!

So visit Thumbmonkey already!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Some Of The Best Used Video Games And Video Game Accessories!


Every man's junk is another man's treasure as they say! Not to say these games are junk because they are certainly not! People save hundreds and thousands of dollars every single year by buying used video games and video game accessories. These products are JUST as good as brand new items, but since they are used they sell for much cheaper a price. I've bought all kinds of things used; everything from used video games and video game accessories to actual consoles and controllers.

And it’s not that they sell you everything. Oh, no! for example has strict guidelines – they check every product before it's even being sold in their state-of-the-art testing facility developed by NASA (okay… not really NASA… but they do check them)

You can buy some really fantastic used video games and video game accessories on Thumbmonkey, even "newer" games that have just come out in the last few weeks or few months. I did this awhile back when the Xbox 360 first came out, the NEW product price was way too much, but I was itching to get one so I started scouring these sites online that offer used video games and video game accessories.

Within about 2 months I found Thumbmonkey and a console that was like brand new. Some kid probably got it for Christmas, lost interest in it, and sold it back to the store. I didn't really care either way, I just knew I got an Xbox 360!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Put a face on your game tag with Xbox 360 Live Vision Camera


Don't you wanna know who’s that punk that’s been kicking your ass in Halo 3 lately? You bet! Well, unless he is a 6 year old… Imagine if we all started putting our face to create an entirely new gaming experience. Think about intimidating your enemies with that killer expression you’ve been working on lately. Or maybe just starting a nice video chat after all the killing?

Stop being shy and put a face on your game tag! Make yourself known and introduce yourself to world by using the Xbox 360 Live Vision Camera.

This little camera is really great. The quality of the video and pictures is just fine and it is easy to install. Well, there’s no install actually, just plug the thing and you are good to go.

The best thing about the camera is its capabilities of mapping your face and turning the real you into an on-screen character. How cool is that??? Already games like Totemball are actually played by moving your arms and body in front of the camera and turn into a human controller. So what if you look silly playing? It’s fun as hell!

By the way, if you buy this camera from us, you’ll save like 60% of the original price tag. It’s new and it’s never been used and it costs $12.99 so get moving!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Your PSP deserves to be heard!


Last week we were bitching about Sony a little. Don’t get us wrong folks. We love our PSs and PSPs and whatnots, and can’t really imagine the world without Sony. But you know how it is, high expectations and big disappointments, right? Like with the PSP… man it can do cool stuff. Besides the gaming, you can get all your MP3s, movies, videos, shows and such on that mean little screen but... the speakers hold you back. They just can’t do the job. Not on a train, not in a plane.
Well, the nice guys at Joytech deicded that it would be a nice gesture to upgrade things and came up with a PSP Media Amp Speaker System. When you’ll dock your PSP in this Joytech joyride your ears will blow off. Seriously. It’s LOUD. How loud? Double the loud? No! Triple the loud? No! It’s quadruple the loud!!! And it’s not only loud… the acoustic design gives the unit a rich, full sound which practically brings your games, movies and music to life.
Joyride were nice enough to throw in a handy remote control and made sure that the docking station conveniently charges the PSP while you’re enjoying life. The Amp works with your PSP AC adapter or with the use of 4 AAA batteries.

And wait, we didn’t get to the best part. Guess how much? Come on… This PSP AMP costs $9.99 and no it’s not a typo and no we did not forget an extra 9. This is how we role here at

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PSP Go - Epic Failure?


I don’t know what’s up with Sony, but it seems they like to see us suffer. On one hand they make these really cool gadgets and consuls but on the other hand they have serious control issues and they just won’t let us be!

Take a look at the beautiful new PSP Go. It’s a mean and lean machine – 16 percent lighter and 35 percent smaller than the PSP 3000. But it doesn’t have a UMD drive. So everything is saved on the internal memory (16GB) or on Sony’s own annoying Memory Shticks. Get it? If you’ve got a bunch UMDs you are stuck with your old PSP ‘cause there is no way you can transfer UMDs to the PSP Go.

Another thing that we absolutely hate (can you blame us?) is the fact that Sony's gone all Apple and you won’t be able to buy games from! Nope. You guys will have to feed the giant corporation, buying exclusively from Sony’s PlayStation Store. Now we’re not talking about the extra bucks you’re going to pay. Oh no. We’re talking about the freedom of choice America! Plus, download speeds are a pain, at least an hour if not two, all thanks to Sony’s limited 802.11b connectivity.

And it costs around $250. Huh? 250 dollars??? You have any idea how many games you can get for your PSP 3000 with that kind of money? hmmm... Lets see... If a game at will cost you around 10 bucks... then 10 times... no it's actually 250 divided by... Well... It's a lot of games all right!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Welcome to Thumbmonkey Blog!


We know gamers. We know the horrible decision that every gamer has to face. The question whether to rent or buy. Should you spend a fortune on video games just to end with 4 or 5 of them and an empty bank account? Or should you rent video games and know that this is all temporary and one day you’ll have to mail them back.

Well, at we don’t think that anybody should ever face this kind of monstrosity. So instead of paying high prices from large game distributors, the Thumbmonkey staff seeks out surplus and pre-owned merchandise resulting in substantial savings. So before you make your next purchase, visit us at and find both new and used video games, consoles, and accessories at some seriously low prices.

And remember to visit this blog weekly and stay updated on new arrivals and special promotions. It’s time to face the evolution of affordable gaming!