Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PSP Go - Epic Failure?

I don’t know what’s up with Sony, but it seems they like to see us suffer. On one hand they make these really cool gadgets and consuls but on the other hand they have serious control issues and they just won’t let us be!

Take a look at the beautiful new PSP Go. It’s a mean and lean machine – 16 percent lighter and 35 percent smaller than the PSP 3000. But it doesn’t have a UMD drive. So everything is saved on the internal memory (16GB) or on Sony’s own annoying Memory Shticks. Get it? If you’ve got a bunch UMDs you are stuck with your old PSP ‘cause there is no way you can transfer UMDs to the PSP Go.

Another thing that we absolutely hate (can you blame us?) is the fact that Sony's gone all Apple and you won’t be able to buy games from Thumbmonkey.com! Nope. You guys will have to feed the giant corporation, buying exclusively from Sony’s PlayStation Store. Now we’re not talking about the extra bucks you’re going to pay. Oh no. We’re talking about the freedom of choice America! Plus, download speeds are a pain, at least an hour if not two, all thanks to Sony’s limited 802.11b connectivity.

And it costs around $250. Huh? 250 dollars??? You have any idea how many games you can get for your PSP 3000 with that kind of money? hmmm... Lets see... If a game at www.Thumbmonkey.com will cost you around 10 bucks... then 10 times... no it's actually 250 divided by... Well... It's a lot of games all right!


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