Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Put a face on your game tag with Xbox 360 Live Vision Camera

Don't you wanna know who’s that punk that’s been kicking your ass in Halo 3 lately? You bet! Well, unless he is a 6 year old… Imagine if we all started putting our face to create an entirely new gaming experience. Think about intimidating your enemies with that killer expression you’ve been working on lately. Or maybe just starting a nice video chat after all the killing?

Stop being shy and put a face on your game tag! Make yourself known and introduce yourself to world by using the Xbox 360 Live Vision Camera.

This little camera is really great. The quality of the video and pictures is just fine and it is easy to install. Well, there’s no install actually, just plug the thing and you are good to go.

The best thing about the camera is its capabilities of mapping your face and turning the real you into an on-screen character. How cool is that??? Already games like Totemball are actually played by moving your arms and body in front of the camera and turn into a human controller. So what if you look silly playing? It’s fun as hell!

By the way, if you buy this camera from us, you’ll save like 60% of the original price tag. It’s new and it’s never been used and it costs $12.99 so get moving!


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