Monday, December 14, 2009

Like Used Video Games? Wish You Could Find Tips And Tricks?

I'm not usually one to cheat in real life. I pay my taxes. I'm honest when asked a question - even if I'm at fault, and I believe honesty is the best policy. However, sometimes when playing a game you just get stuck on one level and it could seriously just ruin your entire time with the game. Back in the day when I had Sega, I bought this one game that I just could not figure out for the life of me. I actually gave up, and put the game away or about 2 years. Then, I found it when I moved a few years later and I was like "I hate this game".

Amazing what a game can do to your morale! Over the last few years, there have been a lot of sites online that will offer things like tips, tricks, cheats, and guides or maps. These are for use with any and all of your used video games and consoles. These sites also have reviews and suggestions as well on new games to buy, games that are coming soon, best gaming consoles, and reviews on "need to have" video game accessories!

While you don't HAVE to cheat and use tricks and such, the maps can come in handy if you are stuck on a level and can't figure out where to go - I don't really think this is cheating. Just think of it as a virtual compass to help you get to where you want to go!


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