Monday, December 28, 2009

The Most Anticipated Games Of 2010!

If you love games, you probably take a look at a lot of the gaming news sites available online. But do you know about some of the most anticipated games of 2010? Were on the brink of the new year, so this blog comes to you JUST in time! For all of you Star Wars freaks out there - Star Wars Jedi on Wii is said to be one of the most exciting Star Wars games yet - definitely topping out Republic Commando times five. Expect to see some of the same stuff and a few different additions including the chance to light saber the creator George Lucas!

Also, for all of you WoW lovers out in the world, there is a new expansion pack called Cataclysm which is pretty much just going to make you drool over your keyboard especially considering there is an addition of two new races; Goblins and Worgen! I never really liked the WoW games, I've tried them several times, but I just can't get into it. I would rather blow crap up, shoot people and drive cars which is why I can't wait for Lost Planet 2. This game is going to be placed on the same planet as its predecessor, but ten years later. Think Halo 2 on speed.

You can also customize your character which is a huge obsession of mine. If I can customize anything in a game - person, car, weapons, I love it even more! On the other hand, if you don't like FPS or TPS and you don't like cars or sci-fi stuff, you could consider a sweet little game called Super Mario Galaxy 2. Come on, we all know how fun Super Mario can be. This is such an old school game with a flair for excitement. It used to be a kick butt game back in the 80s when most of the kids my age got their brand new Nintendo.

But now this game can be played on the good old Wii. Some people love this console, some people hate it. Usually the ones that hate it, are the couch potatoes that hate any kind of "getting up" and would rather sit down and play their games. Frankly, I like the interactiveness of the Wii! To make your year even sweeter, check out our used video games and video game accessories for your new year!


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