Monday, August 2, 2010

The Top Video Game Accessories For Your Xbox 360!


Just recently I decided I wanted to buy an Xbox 360 - the only problem is that these consoles are a little expensive along with the newer PS3. Instead, I decided to buy one that was refurbished. It came with all the same accessories and options and warranties as a regular Xbox 360, but mine was $150 less. I always try to save money where I can when it comes to games as well, which is why I buy most games at a store that offers used video games and video game accessories.

Used video games can be a perfect way to get a LOT of games at a small price. Usually I can buy 10 games that are used rather than one game that is brand new for the same price! Video game accessories are a big deal when it comes to most consoles, especially when you have Xbox 360 Live like I do. There were four specific items I bought for my Xbox 360 regarding video game accessories, and boy am I glad I did because I really put them to use! First off, it’s so important you buy an Official Xbox memory card.

Mine came with 20MB (drive) and I used it up within a week! Instead, get something like a 150GB which is going to last you a lifetime! Second off, you need to really think about getting the messenger kit. I know it doesn't seem like this is something you would use a lot, but after adding 15 of my closest friends, I talk a lot on my Xbox! Lastly, you should seriously invest in a microphone with headset, especially if you are a FPS addict like I am! Rainbow Six will never be the same again!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Are Used Video Games Okay To Buy?


Of course they are! Listen, the only big difference between a used video game versus a brand new one is the usage. Used video games are obviously going to be pre-owned products that have been used by someone else. Whereas with something like a brand new game, this is stocked, sealed, and sold to someone such as yourself. The game has never been played or opened before. However, there is one other major difference - the price!

If you buy a brand new game every month, you could be spending a lot of money! But, if you try something like used video games and used video games accessories, you could be saving a lot of money which is going to give you extra money to spend on the things you really want like video game accessories!

These days, you have a ton of video game accessories to choose from. You can choose controllers, guns, keyword, speakers, microphones, and much more! I have a PSP, Xbox, Xbox 360 and a Wii - hence the reason I hardly ever buy a brand new game. I gotta save money! Can you really imagine buying a game at $60 a pop? No thanks!

Monday, January 18, 2010

How Can I Choose The Best Video Game Console And Video Game Accessories For My Needs?


Nowadays, there are dozens upon dozens of choices for not only consoles, but handhelds as well. One of the things you should consider is what types of games you like to play. It seems like Xbox 360 and PS3 have the most games to choose from. Wii is starting to get more games, but some people don't like the Wii console as a whole so they choose not to get this! You should also consider what else you want to do on the console. For you, if it's all about playing Live with other people, then you should definitely go with Xbox because they have a Live option that will allow you to play on a network with people around the world.

Also, if graphics are super important to you 360 seems to have some of the best available! Or maybe you like games and watching movies, in this case the PS3 would be awesome because it also has a blu-ray DVD player installed into the system as well. As far as prices, PS3 and Xbox 360 seem to be pretty tied at around $200-$350 depending on the size of the drive. I just bought a brand new PS3 with 120 GB of ram - which is probably going to last me for the rest of my life, and it costs me about $315.

I chose the option with no included games because I couldn't find a pack I liked. Instead, I would rather buy used video games and used video game accessories and SAVE some money! These days, I hardly ever buy a brand new game, all I buy are used video games. These games come in ALL consoles and ALL genres and are actually VERY cheap for what you get!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Educational Used Video Games?


Most parents wouldn't consider video games or consoles to be educational, however, companies like Vtech would like to disagree with you. While it seems like most children games these days could be considered educational on a small degree, gaming options like Vtech actually ARE made to be educational. These games, among other consoles, can teach your children an array of education aspects such as math, science, social studies/history, literature/how to read, etc. These games are not only educational - which is great, but they are also fun and interesting.

Most of us that have kids, know that children get bored if something doesn't have at least a tinge of fun and excitement. So for these games it's important that it doesn't seem like a school type game and that it actually has a fun aspect as well. Big Brain Academy for Wii is a mixture of identification-themed questions, memory, analyzation, math themed questions and visual themed questions. Seems boring? Well if you let your child make their own mind it would end up being a lot more fun for them!

They can also play either solo or multi-player, which obviously means they can play against their friends - which can also teach your child something else, the voracity to win, but to also be a good loser as well. Overall it depends on what games you want your children to play and what you want them to learn, but for most of the games available out there you might be pleasantly surprised with! To view some of our educational used video games or check out our video game accessories, take a look at

Monday, January 4, 2010

What Are Some Of The Cooler Video Game Consoles On The Market?


It seems like every single day a new console or handheld is popping up on the market, how is everyone supposed to keep up with this?!? As of late (within the last year) there have been three main attractions to the world of video gaming - these are some of the most popular video game consoles, and with good reason! First off, you have the Xbox 360. This is supposed to blow some of the other consoles out of the water when it comes to graphics and variety of games. And while this is an incredible addition to anyone's home, I gotta wonder how greedy the CEOs are over at Microsoft to take Original Xbox games off the market.

This means us original Xbox owners can't buy anymore used video games and there is a VERY low selection of new video games. It's a ploy of course, to make sales on the 360 rise, but what the heck Microsoft?!? You only own the entire country, you couldn't just leave well enough alone? I guess Bill (gates) needed more money. The second addition is the PS3 which of course as most people know has some of the best games in the world. I've been fighting with myself to buy a PS3 JUST so I could have GT3! Love that game!

PS and PS2 are still available for purchase, but in the case of the PS3 it's definitely outdoes the old consoles! And then we also have the Wii. Some people are split on if they like this console or not. I bought one and I love it. Not only is it great with games, it's interactive, it's challenging, it can be educational and it comes with all these nifty video game accessories. Okay, so it's a little silly playing with a miniature bat - but that's the point!

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Most Anticipated Games Of 2010!


If you love games, you probably take a look at a lot of the gaming news sites available online. But do you know about some of the most anticipated games of 2010? Were on the brink of the new year, so this blog comes to you JUST in time! For all of you Star Wars freaks out there - Star Wars Jedi on Wii is said to be one of the most exciting Star Wars games yet - definitely topping out Republic Commando times five. Expect to see some of the same stuff and a few different additions including the chance to light saber the creator George Lucas!

Also, for all of you WoW lovers out in the world, there is a new expansion pack called Cataclysm which is pretty much just going to make you drool over your keyboard especially considering there is an addition of two new races; Goblins and Worgen! I never really liked the WoW games, I've tried them several times, but I just can't get into it. I would rather blow crap up, shoot people and drive cars which is why I can't wait for Lost Planet 2. This game is going to be placed on the same planet as its predecessor, but ten years later. Think Halo 2 on speed.

You can also customize your character which is a huge obsession of mine. If I can customize anything in a game - person, car, weapons, I love it even more! On the other hand, if you don't like FPS or TPS and you don't like cars or sci-fi stuff, you could consider a sweet little game called Super Mario Galaxy 2. Come on, we all know how fun Super Mario can be. This is such an old school game with a flair for excitement. It used to be a kick butt game back in the 80s when most of the kids my age got their brand new Nintendo.

But now this game can be played on the good old Wii. Some people love this console, some people hate it. Usually the ones that hate it, are the couch potatoes that hate any kind of "getting up" and would rather sit down and play their games. Frankly, I like the interactiveness of the Wii! To make your year even sweeter, check out our used video games and video game accessories for your new year!

Monday, December 21, 2009

One of the best used video games I ever had: Modern Warfare 2


Since the last November, you can’t get me off the Xbox. Wow! My butt, the couch and sequel to one of the best games for Xbox 360, Call of Duty 4 – became one. Of course that I’m talking about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Frankly, the only thing I didn’t like about this game was the price. But, I found it dirt cheap at where they keep all the best used video games and used video game accessories ever!

Anyway, Modern Warfare 2 is, again, set in the same time period five years after the first and stars Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson, a member of a multinational commando unit, Task Force 141 with the main character from the original game returning as your commanding officer. As the story picks up from the first game, you're seeing the second chapter in a story where the big bad army conquering all of Russia and threatening the world with nuclear weapons.

As the story progresses, you, your CO, and the rest of the unit travel throughout the world trying to bring the new Russian regime to its knees to free the world from their terror. The game also includes a multi-player mode that was a huge draw for the first game as well. The usual modes, like Death match and Capture the Flag, were there for everyone to enjoy online and off. The series is stronger than ever and the fan base seems pretty determined to make Modern Warfare 2 one of the best games Xbox 360 has ever seen!