Monday, August 2, 2010

The Top Video Game Accessories For Your Xbox 360!


Just recently I decided I wanted to buy an Xbox 360 - the only problem is that these consoles are a little expensive along with the newer PS3. Instead, I decided to buy one that was refurbished. It came with all the same accessories and options and warranties as a regular Xbox 360, but mine was $150 less. I always try to save money where I can when it comes to games as well, which is why I buy most games at a store that offers used video games and video game accessories.

Used video games can be a perfect way to get a LOT of games at a small price. Usually I can buy 10 games that are used rather than one game that is brand new for the same price! Video game accessories are a big deal when it comes to most consoles, especially when you have Xbox 360 Live like I do. There were four specific items I bought for my Xbox 360 regarding video game accessories, and boy am I glad I did because I really put them to use! First off, it’s so important you buy an Official Xbox memory card.

Mine came with 20MB (drive) and I used it up within a week! Instead, get something like a 150GB which is going to last you a lifetime! Second off, you need to really think about getting the messenger kit. I know it doesn't seem like this is something you would use a lot, but after adding 15 of my closest friends, I talk a lot on my Xbox! Lastly, you should seriously invest in a microphone with headset, especially if you are a FPS addict like I am! Rainbow Six will never be the same again!